[R-lang] Re: % of total variance accounted for by each predictor?

Xiao He praguewatermelon@gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 14:40:22 PDT 2010

Hi Alex

Sorry that I didn't include any information about my data or code that I
used :)

I did look at the codes on the page, but they are bit opaque to me. Mainly,
I don't understand the syntax of the codes. For example, what exactly should
the "f" look like? For example, I have a data sheet where the column
"correct" corresponds to the binary responses obtained from participants,
and "iv1", "iv2, "iv3", and "iv4" are four columns corresponding to the 4
predictors that I want to evaluate, and "subject" and "item" are the two
columns for the random effects. The name of the data sheet is "data".

Do I need to do the following? =>  my.lmer.nagelkerke
(correct~iv1+iv2+iv3+iv4 + (1|subject) + (1|item), data)

This is what I did, but it is wrong. I hope you can help me with this. Thank
you :)

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