[R-lang] Simple effects in mixed logit models

Roger van-Gompel r.p.g.vangompel at dundee.ac.uk
Fri Dec 18 06:39:26 PST 2009

Stefan, thanks for your comments.  You are right, I don’t have a
*significant* interaction, all I have is an effect of langcent. 
Exploring simple effects is therefore not so useful, but it’s just
something that reviewers suggested.
Thanks a lot, Florian, that’s exactly what I wanted to know.  I have
now analysed both the simple effect of prime for Swedish and the effect
of prime on English (the complete analyses are below).
You said:
Now, the problem, of course, is that treatment coding leads to
collinearity between the "main" effects and the interaction (even in a
balanced sample). In a perfectly balanced sample, the correlation (not
the fixed effect correlation) will be .33, which is still ok. As long as
unbalance due to data exclusion is pretty much random, this correlation
should not go up much beyond .38 (I did some simulation).
I have a quite lot of missing responses, and as you can see in the
summary of the results, there are correlations between the “main”
effects and the interaction.  But you say “not the fixed effect
correlation”, so are you referring to a different correlation?
I haven’t done the model comparisons yet.  You said:
In any case, since ANOVA are omnibus test, you can get at least that by
simple comparing the above model to a model without the interaction or
without any of the simple (main) effects (using anova(model1, model2)).
Model comparison is robust against collinearity.
I find it hard to conceptualize what the model comparisons tell me. 
What can I conclude if the model with which I got the simple effect
differs from a model without the interaction or without any of the
simple effects?
My previous analyses were done with R 2.2.0.  I have now updated to
2.10.1 and suddenly, all the coefficients are different, which I find a
bit worrying.  The p-values are now quite a bit larger, although the new
R version doesn’t change any of the conclusions that I can draw from the
> library(lme4)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
> L2prim = read.table("forLME.txt", header=TRUE)  # open data file
> head(L2prim) # show first 6 lines
  LIST PID ITEM language prime score
1    1   2    4      swe    do     1
2    1   2    7      swe    do     0
3    1   2    8      swe    pp     0
4    1   2   20      swe    pp     0
5    1   2   22      eng    pp     0
6    1   2   23      swe    pp     0
> # effect code vars so that they can be interpreted as main effects in
> L2prim$langcent <- scale(as.numeric(L2prim$language)) # effect code
> L2prim$primecent <- scale(as.numeric(L2prim$prime))  # effect code
> L2prim$PID=as.factor(L2prim$PID)  # convert subject no to factor
> L2prim$ITEM=as.factor(L2prim$ITEM)  # convert item no to factor
> head(L2prim)
  LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent
1    1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244
2    1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244
3    1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334
4    1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334
5    1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334
6    1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334
> # mixed logit model with variables effect coded (main effects as in
> primanal=lmer(score ~langcent*primecent + (1|PID) + (1|ITEM),
data=L2prim, family = "binomial")
> summary(primanal)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
Formula: score ~ langcent * primecent + (1 | PID) + (1 | ITEM) 
   Data: L2prim 
   AIC   BIC logLik deviance
 650.5 677.2 -319.2    638.5
Random effects:
 Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ITEM   (Intercept) 1.9705   1.4037  
 PID    (Intercept) 2.2791   1.5097  
Number of obs: 632, groups: ITEM, 40; PID, 32
Fixed effects:
                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)        -1.06339    0.37331  -2.849 0.004392 ** 
langcent            0.01506    0.108
22   0.139 0.889334    
primecent           0.36986    0.11024   3.355 0.000793 ***
langcent:primecent -0.10630    0.10898  -0.975 0.329365    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) lngcnt prmcnt
langcent    -0.001              
primecent   -0.028 -0.030       
lngcnt:prmc  0.008 -0.055 -0.008
> # Analysis of simple effect of prime for Swedish (coded as 0)
> L2prim[,2:3] # Outputs col 2 and 3 (to check no of rows)
1     2    4
2     2    7
3     2    8
4     2   20
5     2   22
6     2   23
629  34   35
630  34   36
631  34   37
632  34   38
> # create column for language that is treatment coded
> x =c(1:632)   # creates 632 rows of numbers
> x[1:632] = 0    # sets the numbers to 0
> cbind(L2prim,x)   # adds the 0s to L2prim
    LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent x
1      1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244 0
2      1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244 0
3      1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334 0
4      1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334 0
5      1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334 0
6      1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334 0
629    4  34   35      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334 0
630    4  34   36      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244 0
631    4  34   37      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334 0
632    4  34   38      eng    do     0 -0.989767 -0.9742244 0
> L2prim[L2prim[,4] =="swe",9] = 0   # recodes swe (col 4) into 1 (col
> L2prim[L2prim[,4] =="eng",9] = 1   # recodes eng (col 4) into 0 (col
> # create column for prime that is treatment coded
> y =c(1:632)   # creates 632 rows of numbers
> y[1:632] = 0    # sets the numbers to 0
> cbind(L2prim,y)   # adds the 0s to L2prim
    LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent V9 y
1      1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  0 0
2      1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244  0 0
3      1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0 0
4      1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0 0
5      1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  1 0
6      1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0 0
629    4  34   35      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334  1 0
630    4  34   36      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  0 0
631    4  34   37      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334  1 0
632    4  34   38      eng    do     0 -0.989767 -0.9742244  1 0
> L2prim[L2prim[,5] =="do",10] = 1   # recodes do (col 5) into 1 (col
> L2prim[L2prim[,5] =="pp",10] = 0   # recodes pp (col 5) into 0 (col
> L2prim$langtreat=as.factor(L2prim$V9) # convert language (v9) into
> L2prim$primetreat=as.factor(L2prim$V10) # convert prime (v10) into
> L2prim[1:20,] # Outputs rows 1-20
   LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent V9 V10
1     1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  0   1      
2     1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244  0   1      
3     1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0   0      
4     1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0   0      
5     1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  1   0      
6     1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0   0      
20    1   3   10      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  1   0      
1           1
2           1
3           0
4           0
5           0
6           0
20          0
> # mixed logit model with variables treatment coded
> primanal=lmer(score ~langtreat*primetreat + (1|PID) + (1|ITEM),
data=L2prim, family = "binomial")
> summary(primanal)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
Formula: score ~ langtreat * primetreat + (1 | PID) + (1 | ITEM) 
   Data: L2prim 
   AIC   BIC logLik deviance
 650.5 677.2 -319.2    638.5
Random effects:
 Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ITEM   (Intercept) 1.9705   1.4038  
 PID    (Intercept) 2.2791   1.5097  
Number of obs: 632, groups: ITEM, 40; PID, 32
Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)             -0.7790     0.4155  -1.875   0.0608 .
langtreat1               0.1875     0.3022   0.621   0.5348  
primetreat1             -0.5251     0.3100  -1.694   0.0903 .
langtreat1:primetreat1  -0.4246     0.4354  -0.975   0.3294  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) lngtr1 prmtr1
langtreat1  -0.364              
primetreat1 -0.354  0.477       
lngtrt1:pr1  0.262 -0.699 -0.703
> # primetreat is the simple effect of prime on Swedish
> # the sum of the estimates for primetreat and the interaction
(0.9497) is the simple effect 
> # of prime on English (no z and p values can be calculated)
> # Analysis of simple effect of prime for English (coded as 0)
> L2prim[,2:3] # Outputs col 2 and 3 (to check no of rows)
1     2    4
2     2    7
3     2    8
4     2   20
5     2   22
6     2   23
629  34   35
630  34   36
631  34   37
632  34   38
> x =c(1:632)   # creates 632 rows of numbers
> x[1:632] = 0    # sets the numbers to 0
> cbind(L2prim,x)   # adds the 0s to L2prim
    LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent V9 V10
1      1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  0   1     
2      1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244  0   1     
3      1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0   0     
4      1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0   0     
5      1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  1   0     
6      1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  0   0     
629    4  34   35      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334  1   0     
630    4  34   36      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  0   1     
631    4  34   37      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334  1   0     
632    4  34   38      eng    do     0 -0.989767 -0.9742244  1   1     
    primetreat x
1            1 0
2            1 0
3            0 0
4            0 0
5            0 0
6            0 0
629          0 0
630          1 0
631          0 0
632          1 0
> L2prim[L2prim[,4] =="swe",9] = 1   # recodes swe (col 4) into 1 (col
> L2prim[L2prim[,4] =="eng",9] = 0   # recodes eng (col 4) into 0 (col
> y =c(1:632)   # creates 632 rows of numbers
> y[1:632] = 0    # sets the numbers to 0
> cbind(L2prim,y)   # adds the 0s to L2prim
    LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent V9 V10
1      1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  1   1     
2      1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244  1   1     
3      1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  1   0     
4      1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  1   0     
5      1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  0   0     
6      1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  1   0     
629    4  34   35      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334  0   0     
630    4  34   36      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  1   1     
631    4  34   37      eng    pp     1 -0.989767  1.0248334  0   0     
632    4  34   38      eng    do     0 -0.989767 -0.9742244  0   1     
    primetreat y
1            1 0
2            1 0
3            0 0
4            0 0
5            0 0
6            0 0
628          0 0
629          0 0
630          1 0
631          0 0
632          1 0
> L2prim[L2prim[,5] =="do",10] = 1   # recodes do (col 5) into 1 (col
> L2prim[L2prim[,5] =="pp",10] = 0   # recodes pp (col 5) into 0 (col
> L2prim$langtreat=as.factor(L2prim$V9)
> L2prim$primetreat=as.factor(L2prim$V10)
> L2prim[1:20,] # Outputs rows 1-20
   LIST PID ITEM language prime score  langcent  primecent V9 V10
1     1   2    4      swe    do     1  1.008740 -0.9742244  1   1      
2     1   2    7      swe    do     0  1.008740 -0.9742244  1   1      
3     1   2    8      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  1   0      
4     1   2   20      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  1   0      
5     1   2   22      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  0   0      
6     1   2   23      swe    pp     0  1.008740  1.0248334  1   0      
20    1   3   10      eng    pp     0 -0.989767  1.0248334  0   0      
1           1
2           1
3           0
4           0
5           0
6           0
20          0
> primanal=lmer(score ~langtreat*primetreat + (1|PID) + (1|ITEM),
data=L2prim, family = "binomial")
> summary(primanal)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
Formula: score ~ langtreat * primetreat + (1 | PID) + (1 | ITEM) 
   Data: L2prim 
   AIC   BIC logLik deviance
 650.5 677.2 -319.2    638.5
Random effects:
 Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ITEM   (Intercept) 1.9705   1.4038  
 PID    (Intercept) 2.2791   1.5097  
Number of obs: 632, groups: ITEM, 40; PID, 32
Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)             -0.5915     0.4153  -1.424  0.15435   
langtreat1              -0.1875     0.3022  -0.621  0.53489   
primetreat1             -0.9496     0.3095  -3.068  0.00215 **
langtreat1:primetreat1   0.4244     0.4354   0.975  0.32973   
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) lngtr1 prmtr1
langtreat1  -0.363              
primetreat1 -0.354  0.507       
lngtrt1:pr1  0.247 -0.699 -0.702
> # primetreat is the simple effect of prime on English
> # the sum of the estimates for primetreat and the interaction
(0.5252) is the simple effect 
> # of prime on Swedish (no z and p values can be calculated)
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