[R-lang] Error message in mixed-effects logistic regression

Jakke Tamminen j.tamminen at psych.york.ac.uk
Fri Aug 15 04:27:14 PDT 2008

Dear R-lang group,

I have been trying to learn about mixed-effects logistic regression with the
help of Florian Jaeger's excellent new JML paper. I keep getting stuck with
a strange error message though. I'm a complete R and regression beginner, so
please have patience!

The experiment I'm trying to analyse is quite simple. It's a phoneme
categorisation task, where participants categorise ambiguous phonemes as /t/
or /d/, on three steps from a /t/-/d/ continuum. The main manipulation is
between participants who have been biased to respond /d/ and participants
who have been biased to respond /t/ (by  earlier presenting the ambiguous
sound in a lexical context supporting a /t/ or /d/ interpretation). The
experiment is repeated on three days to see if the effect of bias persists
over time. 

This is the model I'm trying to fit:


and the error message I get is as follows:

Error in if (any(sd < 0)) return("'sd' slot has negative entries") : 
        missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I have no problems with either (I attach the output at the end of the






Has anyone seen this error message before, or have any ideas where I'm going

Many thanks in advance,


> tdMID.lmer2
Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
Formula: Response ~ Bias + Day * Step + (1 + Step | Subject) 
   Data: E1tdMID
 Family: binomial(logit link)
  AIC  BIC logLik deviance
 3315 3412  -1641     3283
Random effects:
 Groups  Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr          
 Subject (Intercept) 1.41442  1.18930                
         Steptd3     0.65114  0.80693  -0.704        
         Steptd4     1.38725  1.17781  -0.549  0.938 
number of obs: 3232, groups: Subject, 36

Estimated scale (compare to  1 )  0.949306 

Fixed effects:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)       1.4648     0.2853   5.134 2.84e-07
Biast            -0.7345     0.3096  -2.373  0.01766
Dayday2           0.3926     0.1881   2.087  0.03686
Dayday3           0.6341     0.1938   3.272  0.00107
Steptd3          -1.6801     0.2229  -7.536 4.84e-14
Steptd4          -2.8906     0.2806 -10.302  < 2e-16
Dayday2:Steptd3  -0.1575     0.2492  -0.632  0.52739
Dayday3:Steptd3  -0.2689     0.2534  -1.061  0.28864
Dayday2:Steptd4  -0.5265     0.2783  -1.892  0.05853
Dayday3:Steptd4  -0.8667     0.2840  -3.052  0.00228

> tdMID.lmer3
Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
Formula: Response ~ Bias + Day * Step + (1 + Day | Subject) 
   Data: E1tdMID
 Family: binomial(logit link)
  AIC  BIC logLik deviance
 3342 3439  -1655     3310
Random effects:
 Groups  Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr          
 Subject (Intercept) 1.43175  1.19656                
         Dayday2     0.38259  0.61854  -0.741        
         Dayday3     0.54498  0.73823  -0.797  0.890 
number of obs: 3232, groups: Subject, 36

Estimated scale (compare to  1 )  0.9678673 

Fixed effects:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)      1.43597    0.27779   5.169 2.35e-07
Biast           -0.74134    0.27934  -2.654  0.00796
Dayday2          0.28426    0.21591   1.317  0.18799
Dayday3          0.47782    0.22966   2.081  0.03747
Steptd3         -1.72670    0.18359  -9.405  < 2e-16
Steptd4         -2.87799    0.20556 -14.001  < 2e-16
Dayday2:Steptd3  0.03089    0.25417   0.122  0.90327
Dayday3:Steptd3 -0.02159    0.25688  -0.084  0.93302
Dayday2:Steptd4 -0.24109    0.28474  -0.847  0.39717
Dayday3:Steptd4 -0.49348    0.29032  -1.700  0.08917

> tdMID.lmer4
Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
Formula: Response ~ Bias + Day * Step + (1 | Subject) 
   Data: E1tdMID
 Family: binomial(logit link)
  AIC  BIC logLik deviance
 3352 3419  -1665     3330
Random effects:
 Groups  Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Subject (Intercept) 0.73927  0.8598
number of obs: 3232, groups: Subject, 36

Estimated scale (compare to  1 )  0.977563 

Fixed effects:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)       1.3959     0.2437   5.728 1.01e-08
Biast            -0.8138     0.2999  -2.713  0.00666
Dayday2           0.3702     0.1834   2.018  0.04360
Dayday3           0.5967     0.1888   3.161  0.00157
Steptd3          -1.5705     0.1726  -9.101  < 2e-16
Steptd4          -2.6397     0.1911 -13.814  < 2e-16
Dayday2:Steptd3  -0.1374     0.2460  -0.559  0.57650
Dayday3:Steptd3  -0.2342     0.2498  -0.937  0.34861
Dayday2:Steptd4  -0.4955     0.2729  -1.816  0.06943
Dayday3:Steptd4  -0.8198     0.2784  -2.945  0.00323

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