[R-lang] SPR experiment: using lmer, transforming data, collinearity, and using a covariable

Klinton Bicknell kbicknell at ling.ucsd.edu
Fri Aug 1 09:49:14 PDT 2008

Hi Claire,

I have some experience using lmer models to analyze self-paced reading  
data, and basically your script looks good! A few comments:

1) I don't really have experience in fitting the distribution of RT  
values and transforming them, but your approach seems reasonable to me.

2) You probably want to center your three variables *after* doing the  
subset to remove fillers, instead of before. Since in your script  
right now you're centering them before doing this subset, there is a  
good chance that they are no longer centered when you are doing your  
actual analysis.

3) You may want to try including random participant and item slopes  
for your effects of interest, since that is something essentially  
built in to analyses like a traditional repeated measures Anova.  
However, putting in the full (1+cRelativiser * cAttachment | item),  
may make your model hard for lmer to estimate. So, you may be able to  
iteratively add or iteratively remove these random effects using the  
anova() function to compare lmer models that are a subset of each  
other. (Harald Baayen's In Press book discusses this in chapter 7.)

4) I'm guessing that when the script says 'the highest value is 0.57',  
you're meaning that 0.57 is the largest of the correlations of fixed  
effects in the lmer summary? (and thus you're checking for  
collinearity). I believe that as a rule of thumb (and someone please  
correct me if I'm wrong), correlations of fixed effects over 0.1 are  
somewhat troubling, and over 0.2 are bad. (Although I believe higher  
correlations between a coefficient estimate and the intercept estimate  
are inconsequential.) You may find that centering your variables after  
doing the subset will fix the collinearity that you may be having.

5) I'm not quite sure I understand the 'regression with residuals'  
section. Are you trying to deal with a correlation between the  
estimates of the coefficients for cRelativiser/cAttachment and their  
interaction? If so, I'm not sure of a good way to do that--maybe  
someone else knows of one? But centering your variables will probably  
go a long way to helping. (You'll want to center again after making  
the SPR.relativiser subset).

6) Finally, regarding the error from HPDinterval, could you give the  
error message that you're getting!

Hope this helps!


On Jul 28, 2008, at 8:07 , Claire Delle Luche wrote:

> Dear R-lang users,
> I try to analyse a self paced reading experiment where I have two  
> fixed variables (Relativiser, Attachment), two random variables  
> (Participant, ItemNbr), and one covariable (BiasValue). The  
> dependant variable is RT, reading time region by region.
> My main aim is to remove the variance induced by BiasValue on  
> Attachment, but I did not find any code for that.
> My procedure is the following, elaborated from bits and tips:
> - fit the data distribution, suggesting an inverse square root  
> transform, rather than the classical log transform (on all RTs)
> - exclude deviant participants
> - calculate residual RTs (quite common in SPR experiments)
> - check for collinearity
> - then run the analysis region by region, with BiasValue as a  
> covariate
> - obtain HPD intervals (it fails)
> I am unsure about my script and would appreciate your help.
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Claire Delle Luche
> Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage
> Lyon, FRANCE
> Here is my script:
> library(lme4)
> library(languageR)
> SPR = read.table("DataWord.txt", header=TRUE)  # read data
> # fixed factors are Relativiser (qui, lequel), Attachment (N1, N2)
> # BiasValue is the result from a pretest evaluating a bias for one  
> construction over an other, used as covariable with Attachment
> # random factors are Participant and ItemNbr
> # the dependant variable is RT
> # the "Word" column distinguish between FILLERS and experimental  
> words, coded for their function in the sentence
> ###### data transformation: classical log or a transformation  
> fitting the distribution better
> #  Box-Cox transform
> SPR.lm <- lm(RT ~ Relativiser * Attachment + Participant + ItemNbr +  
> BiasValue, data = SPR)
> SPR.bc <- MASS:::boxcox(SPR.lm)
> SPR.bc$x[which.max(SPR.bc$y)]
> # the result suggest an inverse square root transform would be best
> # comparison between a log transform and an inverse square root  
> transform
> SPR.lm <- lm(log(RT) ~ Relativiser * Attachment + Participant +  
> ItemNbr + BiasValue, data = SPR)
> SPR.lm2 <- lm(I(RT^(-1/2)) ~ Relativiser * Attachment + Participant  
> + ItemNbr + BiasValue, data = SPR)
> par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
> plot(SPR.lm, which = 1:2)	
> plot(SPR.lm2, which = 1:2)	
> # the 2nd transformation is better
> SPR$transRT <- I((SPR$RT)^(-1/2))
> #####
> # identification of deviant participants
> abs(scale(unlist(lapply(split(SPR$transRT, as.factor(as.character(SPR 
> $Participant))), mean)))) < 3
> abs(scale(unlist(lapply(split(SPR$transRT, as.factor(as.character(SPR 
> $Participant))), mean)))) < 2.5
> abs(scale(unlist(lapply(split(SPR$transRT, as.factor(as.character(SPR 
> $Participant))), mean)))) < 2
> # exclude deviant participants
> SPR.RTcor <- subset(SPR, Participant != ("IM") , Participant !=  
> ("PL"))
> SPR.RTcorr <- subset(SPR, Participant != ("AF"))
> #### comparison of data distributions, without deviants
> SPR.lm3 <- lm(I(RT^(-1/2)) ~ Relativiser * Attachment + Participant  
> + ItemNbr + BiasValue, data = SPR.RTcorr)
> par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
> plot(SPR.lm2, which = 1:2)	
> plot(SPR.lm3, which = 1:2)
> # maybe delete the deviant data points as seen in the graph	
> # maybe add a spillover procedure
> # regression against Nbr of characters, position in the sentence and  
> in the list
> SPR.anal = lmer(transRT ~ CharNbr + WdNbr + SentNbr + (1|  
> Participant), SPR.RTcorr)
> # residual RTs
> SPR.RTcorr$RTResidual <- residuals(SPR.anal)
> # centering
> SPR.RTcorr$cRelativiser <- as.numeric(scale(ifelse(SPR.RTcorr 
> $Relativiser == "Qui",1,0), scale=F))
> SPR.RTcorr$cAttachment <- as.numeric(scale(ifelse(SPR.RTcorr 
> $Attachment == "N1",1,0), scale=F))
> SPR.RTcorr$cBiasValue <- as.numeric(scale(SPR.RTcorr$BiasValue,  
> scale=F))
> # subset for experimental data only
> SPR.exp <- subset(SPR.RTcorr, Word != "FILLER")
> # analysis for experimental trials only and log transformed residual  
> RTs
> SPR.anal = lmer(RTResidual ~ cRelativiser * cAttachment + (1| 
> Participant) + (1|ItemNbr) + cBiasValue, data=SPR.exp)
> summary(SPR.anal)
> # the highest value is 0.57
> # regression with residuals
> SPR.exp$iRelAtt <- residuals(lm(I(cRelativiser * cAttachment) ~  
> cRelativiser + cAttachment, SPR.exp))
> SPR.anal1 = lmer(RTResidual ~ cRelativiser + cAttachment + iRelAtt +  
> (1|Participant) + (1|ItemNbr) + cBiasValue, data=SPR.exp)
> summary(SPR.anal)
> # the highest value is 0.57
> ##### is there collinearity problem?
> #### analysis of the data word by word, here with RELATIVISER ONLY
> #### Relativiser and Attachment are two fixed factors and BiasValue  
> should be a covariate for Attachment, to remove the variance due to  
> BiasValue
> SPR.RELATIVISER <- subset (SPR.exp, Word == "Rel")
> SPR.RELATIVISER = lmer(RTResidual ~Relativiser*Attachment + (1| 
> Participant) + (1|ItemNbr) + BiasValue, data=SPR.RELATIVISER)
> summary(SPR.RELATIVISER)  # Print results of LME analysis
> plot(fitted(SPR.RELATIVISER), residuals(SPR.RELATIVISER))
> qqnorm(residuals(SPR.RELATIVISER))
> SPR.RELATIVISER.mc <- mcmcsamp(SPR.RELATIVISER, 10000)
> densityplot(SPR.RELATIVISER.mc)
> qqmath(SPR.RELATIVISER.mc)
> xyplot(SPR.RELATIVISER.mc)
> # I get an error for HPDinterval
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