[R-lang] Re: Surprising results from model comparison, when using a complex random effects structure

Levy, Roger rlevy@ucsd.edu
Fri Nov 30 17:12:54 PST 2012

On Nov 30, 2012, at 4:07 PM PST, Rachel Smith wrote:

> Hi Roger
> Many thanks for your response.
> That's reassuring that the random effects structure for subjects doesn't sound unreasonable.
> As regards vlength, I've been thinking of this as between-targets, because each individual subject heard a given target word with only one value of vlength. However, across the whole dataset, each target did appear with both values of vlength. That is, half the subjects heard version A of the experiment, which had vlength "short" for half the targets, and "long" for the other half; the other half of the subjects heard version B, with the vlength values reversed. So, might this mean that the random effect for targets should be: (1+dialect+vlength|target)?

Ah, yes, then vlength is within-target.

Also, I hadn't noticed this before, but Dan Johnson pointed out to me that you actually have interactions of vlength & dialect as fixed effects in your model, with each other and with other variables.  Be sure to interpret the main effects with care given that they are involved in higher-order interactions in your model.  If those interactions are of theoretical importance, then you may want to consider random slopes for them.



> > Is it possible that you saved an older version of spotlong12.glmm to your workspace, and then when you closed
> > and reopened R you wound up with the older version of spotlong12.glmm and your second anova() command
> > reflects that result?
> I don't think so--I didn't save anything to my workspace, and spotlong12.glmm certainly ran when I reopened R (it takes many minutes to do so, so that's not easily missed). On the other hand, it seems more likely that I made a mistake of some kind, than that my model somehow doesn't converge to a unique solution.
> > Whatever the case, perhaps a good guiding principle is that you should trust whichever result you can replicate from scratch.
> That makes sense!
> Thanks again,
> Rachel
> From: Levy, Roger [rlevy@ucsd.edu]
> Sent: 30 November 2012 04:04
> To: Rachel Smith
> Cc: ling-r-lang-l
> Subject: Re: [R-lang] Surprising results from model comparison, when using a complex random effects structure
> Hi Rachel,
> Your random effects structure for subjects sounds reasonable; I'm inferring that vlength is between-items, in which case the by-items structure would be fine too.  Since spotlong12.glmm has different likelihoods in the two runs of anova() you report, they must be two different fitted models.  Is it possible that you saved an older version of spotlong12.glmm to your workspace, and then when you closed and reopened R you wound up with the older version of spotlong12.glmm and your second anova() command reflects that result?  Whatever the case, perhaps a good guiding principle is that you should trust whichever result you can replicate from scratch.
> Best & hope this helps,
> Roger
> On Nov 29, 2012, at 4:19 PM PST, Rachel Smith wrote:
>> Dear R-lang list,
>> I'd be very grateful for any advice you can offer. My issue is that when running lmer on categorical data with a moderately complex random effects structure, and doing model comparison using likelihood ratios, I am occasionally seeing (what I think are) bizarre and unstable chisq and p values in the model comparisons, and I'd like to find out why.
>> Apologies for the long email that follows.
>> To give some background, I previously fitted a model to my data using only random intercepts. Then I read Barr et al (2012) and reanalysed my data in order to follow their advice with respect to keeping the random effects structure (near-)maximal. The random effects structure that I have chosen is intended to be maximal with respect to my two experimental variables of primary theoretical interest, dialect (between-subjects) and vlength (within-subjects), and also includes random slopes for a couple of control variables that I expected to show relevant variation (loglong and item, both within-subjects). But it omits some predictors in order to permit the models to converge.
>> To estimate the fixed effects, I have followed a backwards model selection procedure using likelihood ratio model comparison. Along the way, there have been a couple of cases where the model comparison produces significant or near-significant results that I don't trust, and that seem unstable, in that they are liable to change (to something more sensible) when the identical code is re-run.
>> Here is an example: The following two models differ only in the inclusion of the factor "version" (2 levels).
>> spotlong11.glmm = lmer(spotlong ~ (dialect + vlength + context + vtype)^2 + vlength:context:vtype - dialect:context - dialect:vtype + loglong + item + gender + version + (1+vlength+loglong+item|subject) + (1+dialect|target), data=data, family="binomial")
>> spotlong12.glmm = lmer(spotlong ~ (dialect + vlength + context + vtype)^2 + vlength:context:vtype - dialect:context - dialect:vtype + loglong + item + gender + (1+vlength+loglong+item|subject) + (1+dialect|target), data=data, family="binomial")
>> (NB: "item" here refers to item number, i.e. is actually an effect of trial; "target" refers to words considered as an experimental unit, i.e. to what might normally be called items).
>> Model comparison gave the following result:
>> anova(spotlong11.glmm, spotlong12.glmm)
>> #                Df    AIC    BIC  logLik  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)  
>> #spotlong12.glmm 30 5281.2 5477.6 -2610.6                           
>> #spotlong11.glmm 31 5279.7 5482.6 -2608.8 3.5601      1    0.05918 .
>> This is very surprising, because in the output for spotlong11.glmm, the estimate for version is small in relation to the standard error, and far from significance:
>> print(spotlong11.glmm, corr=FALSE)
>> #Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
>> #Formula: spotlong ~ (dialect + vlength + context + vtype)^2 + vlength:context:vtype -      dialect:context - #dialect:vtype + loglong + item + gender +      version + (1 + vlength + loglong + item | subject) + (1 +      dialect | #target) 
>> #   Data: data 
>> #  AIC  BIC logLik deviance
>> # 5280 5483  -2609     5218
>> #Random effects:
>> # Groups  Name         Variance   Std.Dev.  Corr                 
>> # subject (Intercept)  1.0128e+00 1.0063593                      
>> #         vlengthshort 4.4225e-02 0.2102972 -0.675               
>> #         loglong      7.4783e-02 0.2734643 -0.757  0.569        
>> #         item         6.0143e-05 0.0077552 -0.474  0.877  0.125 
>> # target  (Intercept)  1.7291e+00 1.3149512                      
>> #         dialectL     1.3129e-01 0.3623410 -0.458               
>> #Number of obs: 5148, groups: subject, 78; target, 66
>> #Fixed effects:
>> #                                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
>> #(Intercept)                    -2.101415   0.497599  -4.223 2.41e-05 ***
>> #dialectL                       -0.036163   0.192553  -0.188 0.851027    
>> #vlengthshort                    0.549224   0.181666   3.023 0.002501 ** 
>> #contextNL                       0.062903   0.566956   0.111 0.911657    
>> #contextSL                       0.867398   0.553790   1.566 0.117280    
>> #vtypeNV                        -0.743498   0.556697  -1.336 0.181696    
>> #loglong                         0.874872   0.232198   3.768 0.000165 ***
>> #item                            0.006777   0.001379   4.914 8.94e-07 ***
>> #genderm                        -0.344050   0.177315  -1.940 0.052340 .  
>> #versionB                        0.091018   0.170662   0.533 0.593810    
>> #dialectL:vlengthshort          -0.377850   0.145280  -2.601 0.009300 ** 
>> #vlengthshort:contextNL          0.725804   0.238603   3.042 0.002351 ** 
>> #vlengthshort:contextSL         -0.867637   0.242693  -3.575 0.000350 ***
>> #vlengthshort:vtypeNV           -0.581290   0.247543  -2.348 0.018862 *  
>> #contextNL:vtypeNV               1.075103   0.794058   1.354 0.175757    
>> #contextSL:vtypeNV              -0.505121   0.784197  -0.644 0.519494    
>> #vlengthshort:contextNL:vtypeNV -0.602742   0.343102  -1.757 0.078961 .  
>> #vlengthshort:contextSL:vtypeNV  0.824727   0.354378   2.327 0.019952 * 
>> After closing and re-opening R, and re-running the same two models and the comparison between them, I obtained the following:
>> #                Df    AIC    BIC  logLik  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
>> #spotlong12.glmm 30 5277.9 5474.3 -2609.0                         
>> #spotlong11.glmm 31 5279.7 5482.6 -2608.8 0.2783      1     0.5978
>> which is much more in line with the p value associated with the estimate for version in spotlong11.glmm.
>> Can anyone shed any light on why differences like this might occur and what I should do about them? As this is the first time I've implemented a random effects structure that is at all complex, I may just have done something crazy with the random effects. But whatever is the cause, it seems to be manifesting in strange model comparison results, rather than problems with convergence.
>> Thank you for reading! Any advice that anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated.
>> Best wishes,
>> Rachel Smith
>> (U. of Glasgow)

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