[R-lang] lme with continuous dependent variable

Andries W. Coetzee coetzee@umich.edu
Mon Jun 21 20:07:35 PDT 2010

Dear R-Langers,

I had my first R experience earlier today, and was quite happy to see
that it is less hard than what I have been lead to believe. At the
same time, I am still quite unsure about what to do and how to

Here is one question that may help me figure out the first step to
take: I have a set of data with both continuous and discrete
independent variables, and with a continuous dependent variable. Is
this something on which I could do a mixed effects a al lme type
analysis? Or is this appropriate only for cases where the dependent
variable is discrete? And if I can do this with lme, what would the
"family" be? Binomial or Poisson, or something else all together?

Thank you,


Andries W. Coetzee

Department of Linguistics
University of Michigan
440 Lorch Hall
611 Tappan Street
Ann Arbor
MI 48109

Tel:  (734) 764-0353
Fax: (734) 936-3406

E-mail: coetzee@umich.edu
Web: www.umich.edu/~coetzee

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