[R-lang] lmer objects, mcmcsamp, and aovlmer.fnc

Charles Clifton cec at psych.umass.edu
Fri Feb 27 06:10:12 PST 2009

Here's one thing to add to the discussion of how mcmcsamp affects lmer 
objects (discussion by Rabagliati, Frank, and Bates): the changes that 
mcmcsamp makes to the lmer object result in crashes when one attempts to 
apply aovlmer.fnc to the lmer crashing, producing error messages (see, 
). I had corresponded with Harald Baayen, who verified the problem, and 
noted that the p values returned by current versions of mcmcsamp may not 
be the same as those returned by older versions. I am delighted that Dr. 
Bates is now aware of the problem.

Chuck Clifton

Charles Clifton
Department of Psychology
435 Tobin Hall
University of Massachusetts 
Amherst, MA 01003
webpage: people.umass.edu/cec
cec at psych.umass.edu
(413) 545 2653
fax (413) 545 0996

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