[R-lang] Problem with standard generic methods in Matrix package

sloiseau at limsi.fr sloiseau at limsi.fr
Mon Aug 24 23:36:34 PDT 2009


I'm puzzled by a problem with call to diag() and rowSums() on object of

class "dgtMatrix", created by sparseMatrix() or spMatrix().

I use Matrix 0.999375-30.

The weird thing is that I don't encounter any problem when I enter the

function on the R prompt, or source()-ing a script file; I encounter

problems when the code is in a package, installed with R CMD INSTALL, and

loaded with library().

I have tried to reduce the package to the bare minimum in order to

discover the problem, but it continue even when reduced up to a single

method, no dependency other than Matrix. The method is defined as:


getAdjacentAsSparseMatrix <- function() {

    adjacents <- sparseMatrix(i=1:10, j=1:10, x=1:10)


     diagonal <- as.vector(diag(adjacents));

     if (any(diagonal != 0)) {

       diagonal[diagonal > 1] <- 1;

       diag(adjacents) <- diagonal;





And the Depends field in ./DESCRIPTION :


Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), Matrix


I have see two outputs:

[1] "dgTMatrix"

Erreur dans y[1L + 0L:(m - 1L) * (n + 1L)] <- x :

    types (de S4 a double) incompatibles dans l'ajustement d'affectation de


> traceback()

3: diag(adjacents)

2: as.vector(diag(adjacents))

1: getAdjacentAsSparseMatrix(white3)

The same thing happens with the method rowSums(), colnames() and
rownames(). In brief, it looks as if the generic functions were called,
and not the overloaded one. I can't figure out how to fix that, and will
be interested in any pointers.



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