[R-lang] lmer() and polarity of IVs
Martin Corley
Martin.Corley at ed.ac.uk
Fri Aug 17 03:50:56 PDT 2007
Hi all,
I'm looking at a model where there are two IVs -- each has a
value "change" and "nochange" (and I want to fit a simple 2x2 model).
The problem is that depending on the intercept I use, the models
aren't symmetrical -- in fact the interaction term doesn't change, but
everything else does, and I'm confused! If I exclude the interaction
term the models are equivalent (but the interaction term is justified,
X2 is the same at around 22 in each case). Here's some sample
Any help greatly appreciated!
#### original version
> summary(artic.lmer1)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Formula: norm ~ place * voice + (1 | sub) + (1 | item)
Data: artic
AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
11004 11043 -5496 10978 10992
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
item 0.0495563 0.222613
sub 0.0054327 0.073707
Residual 0.5029739 0.709207
number of obs: 5037, groups: item, 64; sub, 5
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 0.9726 0.1230 7.908
placeplace+ 0.9501 0.1280 7.425
voicevoice+ 0.7181 0.1367 5.251
placeplace+:voicevoice+ -0.7688 0.1528 -5.030
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) plcpl+ vocvc+
placeplace+ -0.892
voicevoice+ -0.835 0.802
plcplc+:vc+ 0.747 -0.837 -0.895
#### releveled version
> summary(artic.lmerRLI)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Formula: norm ~ relevel(place, "place+") * relevel(voice, "voice+") + (1 | sub) + (1 | item)
Data: artic
AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
11004 11043 -5496 10978 10992
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
item 0.0495563 0.222613
sub 0.0054327 0.073707
Residual 0.5029739 0.709207
number of obs: 5037, groups: item, 64; sub, 5
Fixed effects:
(Intercept) 1.87198
relevel(place, "place+")place- -0.18124
relevel(voice, "voice+")voice- 0.05074
relevel(place, "place+")place-:relevel(voice, "voice+")voice- -0.76883
Std. Error
(Intercept) 0.05845
relevel(place, "place+")place- 0.08361
relevel(voice, "voice+")voice- 0.06828
relevel(place, "place+")place-:relevel(voice, "voice+")voice- 0.15285
t value
(Intercept) 32.03
relevel(place, "place+")place- -2.17
relevel(voice, "voice+")voice- 0.74
relevel(place, "place+")place-:relevel(voice, "voice+")voice- -5.03
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) rlvl(p,"+")- rlvl(v,"+")-
rlvl(p,"+")- -0.477
rlvl(v,"+")- -0.584 0.408
r(,"+")-:(" 0.261 -0.547 -0.447
Martin Corley Martin.Corley at ed.ac.uk
Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh
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