<OT> CASTL workshop on the Freedom of Analysis -- final call for papers

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Sun Jun 5 15:25:42 PDT 2005

From: Blaho Sylvia <sylvia.blaho at hum.uit.no>
Date: June 5, 2005 3:05:33 PM PDT


The Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics (CASTL) at the  
University of Tromso will be hosting a workshop on The Freedom of  
Analysis in phonology (see call for papers below) on September 1st and  
2nd, 2005. The workshop will consist of 5 slots for invited talks and  
an additional 10 slots for which we are inviting abstracts.


Partial TRAVEL SUPPORT will be available for presenters without  
sufficient financial support from their home institutions. Applications  
will be evaluated on an individual basis after acceptance.

We are pleased to announce that the following researchers have accepted  
our invitation:

Chris Golston (CSU Fresno)
Bruce Moren (CASTL Tromso)
Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens)
Curt Rice (CASTL Tromso)
Christian Uffmann (Marburg)


The bulk of contemporary research in OT focuses on constraints and  
their interaction, yet other aspects of the overall OT model remain  
largely unexplored. This workshop takes up the problem of Freedom of  
Analysis in its broadest sense, and asks to what extent the very  
phonological properties of candidate outputs are restricted by things  
like representational considerations, 'output viability', the content  
of CON and the ranking of constraints in EVAL. The issue of  
restrictions is an important one, since if it turns out to be possible  
to formulate principled restrictions on the space of inputs and output  
candidates in a way that does not duplicate the job of the constraints  
in EVAL, a more restrictive view of CON and the typology emerges.  
Sensible discussion of variation presupposes some conception of the  
limits on the universal space of variation.
Much work in OT fails to spell out its representational assumptions  
adequately, using representations in a way that sacrifices long-term  
explanatory goals to short-term descriptive ones. The fundamental  
choice between binary features and unary elements is just as pregnant  
with ramifications for analyses in OT as, say, a rule-based framework,  
both as regards the content of CON and the predicted typology. The same  
holds true of theories of the hierarchical organisation of phonological  
primitives. Yet, despite the continued relevance of the prosodic  
hierarchy and the recent renaissance of feature geometry, many analyses  
simply rely in practice on an SPE-style conception of segments as  
unordered feature bundles or flat autosegmental structures.
A related representational question involves the extent  to which  
inputs and candidate outputs must be 'viable outputs', i.e.  
phonetically interpretable as they are. For example, to what extent  
must we allow for inputs with un(der)specified nodes or floating  
Representational issues like these figure in defining the absolute  
variation space. On the classical conception of Freedom of Analysis,  
the absolute variation space must be one and the same as the space of  
candidates for any given input.

To take stock of these issues, we invite abstracts dealing with the  
place of inviolable restrictions in the OT architecture, addressing  
questions including but not limited to the following:

- Do universally inviolable constraints on linguistic structures exist?  
If so, are they part of GEN, or EVAL with a fixed top ranking?
- What is the relation between GEN and the function EVAL, the  
constraint set and the input?
- Does the generator contain restrictions on the combination of  
phonological primitives?
- Would limitations on the generator resolve any of the current  
challenges to OT, such as opacity, forbidden repairs, typological  
overgeneration, proliferation of candidates or constraints?


12th June 2005: Abstract deadline

1st July 2005: Notification of acceptance

1-2 September 2005: Workshop


Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format to  
freedom at hum.uit.no by 12th June 2005.

All-inclusive abstract length is 2 A4 pages with the following  
formatting requirements:
- 2,5 cm margins on top, bottom, left and right,
- in 12 pt Times New Roman (10 pt for references),
- single line spacing, and
- normal character spacing.

The length of the abstract text excluding the title, the name(s) and  
affiliation(s) of the author(s), examples, figures and references must  
exceed 50 lines.

Please submit two versions of your abstract, one anonymous and one  
named. The named abstract should include your name, affiliation and  
e-mail address, and should be called freedom-named-lastname.pdf; the  
anonymous abstract should be called freedom-anon-lastname.pdf.
So, for instance, if the author's name is Joe Black, he'll send two  
files called freedom-named-black.pdf and freedom-anon-black.pdf.

Please heed these formal requirements and the deadline.

Should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to  
contact the organisers.

workshop e-mail address: freedom at hum.uit.no
homepage: http://uit.no/castl/

Sylvia Blaho (sylvia.blaho at hum.uit.no)
Patrik Bye (patrik.bye at hum.uit.no)
Martin Kraemer (martin.kraemer at hum.uit.no)

Sylvia Blaho
Research Fellow
CASTL (Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguitstics)
University of Tromsø
+47 776 44261 (office)
+47 98491542 (mobile)

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