<OT> New Posting: ROA-671

roa at ruccs.rutgers.edu roa at ruccs.rutgers.edu
Wed Aug 18 22:11:29 PDT 2004

ROA 671-0804

All or Nothing: Partial Identity Avoidance as Cooperative Interaction

Eric Bakovic <bakovic at ling.ucsd.edu>

Direct link: http://roa.rutgers.edu/view.php3?roa=671

Avoidance of adjacent similar segments is argued here to
be the result of a constraint against adjacent identical
(long) segments in cooperation with other active constraints
as opposed to, for example, the direct result of some constraint
against adjacent similar segments. The crux of this Cooperative
Interaction hypothesis is the crucial dependence of partial
identity avoidance on other aspects of the grammar of the
language in question; the fact that a constraint other than
the one penalizing long segments must be active has consequences
that are independently verified in case studies from English
and Chicano Spanish.

Keywords: geminates, OCP, assimilation, English, Spanish
Areas: Phonology
Type: Manuscript

Direct link: http://roa.rutgers.edu/view.php3?roa=671

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