<OT> List Update

Rutgers Optimality Archive roa@ruccs.rutgers.edu
Mon, 9 Jun 2003 14:16:37 -0700

Dear Optimal Listers,

As you've undoubtedly noticed, the Optimal List has been getting more 
than its fair share of spam again.  The spam-filtering software on our 
server works quite well -- for every piece of spam that slips through, 
5-10 others are brought to my attention for manual rejection -- but 
this is still not acceptable, especially given the incredibly low 
traffic on this list.

So, from now on, all postings to the Optimal List will be subject to my 
approval.  This is not the ideal solution, but it's the best one we 
have to work with for now.  For my part, I promise to filter anything 
and everything that is not directly and relevantly addressed to members 
of the Optimal List.  You can help make this easier for me by tagging 
all messages you send to the list with <OT> in the subject line, as per 


Eric Bakovic

*     ROA Administration    *
*   roa@ruccs.rutgers.edu   *
*  http://roa.rutgers.edu/  *